Support & Supervision

Holidays provided by Person Centred Approach Australia are support & supervised by qualified and experienced staff, who are skilled and confident to provide best care during your holiday trip. We are register NDIS provider.

PCA Australia has five different classifications for the holidays dependent of the participants care needs. 

1: 4-5 ratio on our Classification โ€˜1โ€™ Holidays, 

1: 3 ratio on our Classification โ€˜2โ€™ Holidays, 

 1: 2 ratio on our Classification โ€˜3โ€™ Holidays

1:1 ratio on our classification โ€˜4โ€™ Holidays

2:1 ratio on our classification โ€˜5โ€™ Holidays

Classification 1 Holidays

1: 4-5 staff-to-participants ratio: These holidays are designed for those who require a minimum level of support and supervision whilst holidaying, including those who may not be able to do certain activities independently. It is essential that the consumer can communicate effectively, understand instructions and follow directions. They should be able to walk independently and safely and be able to manage basic self-care.

Classification 2 Holidays

1:3 staff-to-participants ratio: These holidays are designed for those who require a little more support than the previous category. They may not be able to go out alone, but they can manage basic activities such as eating, toileting and bathing. They should be able to walk without assistance,  We do expect that the participant is socialized and able to participate in public outings.

Classification 3 Holidays

1:2 staff-to-participants ratio: These holidays are designed for those who enjoy a more relaxed pace of trip. They should not require extensive walking and can be independent. They should be able to manage their own toileting needs and may need some personal assistance. They should be able and willing to participate in public outings and events.

Classification 4 Holidays

1:1staff-to-participants ratio: These holidays are designed for those who enjoy more relaxed holidays. They need close supervision in the community, full assistance in ADLโ€™s.

Classification 5 Holidays

2:1staff-to-participants ratio: These holidays are designed for those who enjoy a more relaxed holyday. They need close supervision in the community, full assistance in ADLโ€™s, full lifter assistance, Low intensity of behaviour of concern managed of concern with BISP and redirections.