Welcome to PCA Australia

Our Vision

Achieve their dreams by empowering all people

Our Mission

Every person is unique and plays a vital role in the community, our mission is to recognise unique individual strength so, everyone lives respectfully independent life.

Core Values

PCA Australia portrays the following core values:

• Person centred approach: Our all services are based on consumer individualised choice. What they need? When they need? How they want as per their values and beliefs.

• Participation and Inclusion: As service provider we promote active participation of our consumers and their families. We actively include our consumers and their families in service plans. Our service facilitates active community participation of our consumers as valuable community member.

• Collaboration: before catering any service to our consumers we collaborate with our consumers and their families and plan our service according to their choice and goals of life.

• Respect and Empowerment: We treat our consumers and their family with dignity. We provide abuse free safe environment to our vulnerable consumers. Everyone treated equally with respect and dignity. We assist our individuals to build new skills and achieve their goals as per their ability and choice.

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